Monday, February 18, 2008

a couple from the vaults

i was going through some old storyboards this weekend & found these xeroxes.

the first can be titled "tina vs. soy milk"

and in this one i appear to be a drunken homeless elf:
(possibly an abandoned christmas greeting?)

ding! ding!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

tina in stereo

now you can pretend to hang out with me!
note the fancy new "radio tina" box on your right- just press play & i will impose my musical interests upon you from afar.
i found this on my pal rob's blog. they don't have everything available yet (no pixies? breeders? valaida snow? BUT they do have the theme from the munsters, so yay) and some are weird "live" versions (sorry) but it is pretty cool.
so listen to it while you visit me here & wade through my's just like you are trapped in my car, but without the fear of pain and death!
also, you can click on the little icon in the lower right corner of the box and it will open in a separate window, so you can STILL enjoy the crap i like while you are doing things other than reading my blog. lucky you.

Monday, February 11, 2008

in which i blame diablo cody for my own ineptitude

a multi-panel extravaganza, done in photoshop.
also submitted for illustration friday "choose" since i chose...poorly.
and d.i.y. bangs are, for most of us, a bad choice. or maybe just me.
anyway, if you see me and my 1/2 inch long bangs, please say hello.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

more baby weight

yes, this is a real dvd, and everyone on it is having a GREAT TIME.
i am having a better time now, eating ice cream in my pajamas.

Monday, February 4, 2008

is your baby demon spawn too?

so i made a new infant onesie (in illustrator) for my cafepress shop:

it's funny 'cuz it's true.